Cannabis Products On the Rise

As cannabis becomes more legal, the industry surrounding it continues to expand. Politicians now campaign on a platform of total weed legalization since it's that popular a stance, and it seems every other week there's a local news story about a mom who became a millionaire baking and selling edibles. Now that it has reached the suburbs, companies want to expand marketing efforts.

That's actually pretty difficult. Prominent search engines like Google aren't particularly keen on letting people advertising marijuana products on their website, even if the state it's produced in is legal. Manufacturers have been forced to find other means to sell their products.

Despite these roadblocks, the explosion in cannabis popularity has meant an explosion in cannabis products this decade. Because THC and CBD can enter the body in so many ways -smoking, vaping, ingesting, through the skin - the number of products that can be made with it are, if not endless, certainly bountiful. Certain products, though, seem to be more prominent, or at least on the rise, than others.

It should be noted that this article is not an endorsement of any of the products that will be mentioned. Cannabis is still illegal at the federal level, and due to its classification as a Schedule 1 drug the amount of research that can be conducted on it is limited. This is simply an acknowledgment of popular types of products in states where cannabis is legal in some form.

Cannabis Oil

This is admittedly a pretty wide category in its own right. There are weed products we'll get to further down that contain cannabidiol (CBD) oil to give you the desired effects. But cannabis oil can be taken by itself in a number of different forms. That versatility has made it easily the most sought-after cannabis product for people looking for legal use.

CBD oils have exceedingly low traces of THC, so they won't give you the high that you'd normally associate with marijuana. That way one can potentially get the desired effects - pain relief, anxiety relief, nausea relief, etc. - without psychoactive reactions.

Epilepsy is the condition that seems to get the most consistent support for use of cannabis oil, even federally; the U.S. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently got a unanimous vote by their federal advisory committee to recommend approval of a pharmaceutical CBD oil known as Epidiolex, which can be used to treat certain rare forms of epilepsy. But CBD oil has also shown itself to be useful with regards to pain relief, cancer treatment, anxiety, depression, and sleep issues, among other conditions.

CBD oil, as its own usable entity, can come in several forms, and the larger companies that produce and sell them will offer a variety of options to choose from. E-liquid for a vape pen is the most common form, but another one is tinctures. CBD tinctures are drops of concentrated CBD extract that are dropped under your tongue and absorb in the mouth. There are capsules too, which can be taken with water like your average pill.

Of course, if someone who wants legal cannabis oil also doesn't want a middleman, they're free to literally just place CBD oil on their tongue and swallow it. CBD hemp oil is legally sold at some dispensaries.

Cannabis Beauty & Skin Care Products

As CBD use became more widespread and cannabis became further legalized in more states, certain companies and entrepreneurs had ideas of marketing these products to people who aren't often marketed weed: suburban women. Thanks to this, the industry of CBD beauty products grows exponentially every year - though it's not just suburban women who use them.

CBD, in addition to the benefits mentioned earlier, is also said to have anti-inflammatory properties due to cannabinoid receptors in skin. Some researchers say it may be able to help fight acne, and beauty/skincare products with cannabinoids are advertised as being able to help with pain relief, hydration, or even just a euphoric relaxed feeling.

How mainstream are these products becoming? Products containing CBD are now being sold on Sephora's website. The combination of effects these products purport to offer are awfully tantalizing, after all. Cannabis balms salves offer the potential of muscle pain relief, while lotions and rubs offer the allure of clearer skin. Bath bombs and bath salts may bring some much-needed relief and relaxation in the tub. The weed topicals market is real, and always expanding; you can now buy marijuana body wash, lip gloss, and mascara too.

The type of cannabinoids your beauty products have help determine the effects. Many of these products focus on CBD and the health benefits it provides. But some also have more THC, available in dispensaries.

Cannabis Capsules

Not as sweet as the chocolates and gummies or as refreshing as a beer, capsules are an option for those who just want something to get the job done. Cannabis capsules are more popular for those who aren't looking for a snack with their weed, choosing to instead take it like medicine - which, to many people in this country, is what it is.

Capsules are often most popular for CBD usage. The aforementioned Medicine Man in Colorado, for example, sells both CBD capsules and cannabinol (CBN) capsules. Looking like any other capsule pills, it's as simple as can be.


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